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Fellesskapets retningslinjer

Bruk av og opplysning om overvåkningskameraer, opptaksenheter, støymålere og smarthus-enheter i Japan

Here are our guidelines for the use of security cameras, recording devices, noise decibel monitors, and smart home devices in Japan:

Security cameras and recording devices

  • Security cameras and recording devices are any device that records or transmits video, images, or audio such as a baby monitor or doorbell camera.
  • Hidden security cameras are strictly prohibited.
  • After 31 July 2024, Hosts in Japan are not allowed to have security cameras and recording devices that monitor any part of a listing’s interior, such as the listing’s hallway, bedroom, bathroom, living room, or guest house, even if they’re turned off or disconnected. These prohibitions also apply to the common areas and shared spaces of private room listings (ex: a living room).
    • Exemption for Certain Hosts with a Hotel Business License. Japanese listings that must have a camera monitoring the listing’s entryway, in order to comply with the Hotel Business Act, are allowed to have cameras monitoring the listing’s interior, only when the following requirements are met:
      • The listing operates pursuant to a Hotel Business License but the listing is not a “hotel” (this includes ryokans, aparthotels, hostel, resorts, and boutique hotels);
      • The listing does not have a 24/7 check-in desk or the Host is otherwise not able to install an exterior security camera to meet the requirements of the Hotel Business License;
      • The camera is disclosed to guests in the listing’s description and the disclosure notes that the camera is monitoring the entryway in order to comply with the Hotel Business Act; and
      • The camera only monitors the listing’s entryway, does not monitor any of the listing’s living spaces, and is not capable of recording audio.

Note: If these requirements are not met, the presence of cameras inside a listing may result in listing or account removal.

We also encourage Hosts to clearly mark the camera's location to guests through signage at the listing.

  • Hosts are not allowed to place security cameras and recording devices over exterior areas to the listing where users have a greater expectation of privacy, such as the inside of an enclosed outdoor shower or in a sauna.
  • Hosts are allowed to have exterior security cameras and recording devices and are required to make sure that all exterior security cameras and recording devices under their control are disclosed in the listing’s description (ex: “I have a camera in my front yard,” “I have a camera over my patio,” “I have a camera over my pool,” or “I have a doorbell camera monitoring my front door and the entrance of my apartment unit”).

Noise decibel monitors

  • Noise decibel monitors are devices that assess sound levels and their duration but do not record audio.
  • Hosts are allowed to have noise decibel monitors in the listing’s interior as long as the Host discloses their presence and they are not located in bedrooms, bathrooms, or sleeping areas. Hosts are not required to disclose where their noise decibel monitors are located.

Smart home devices

  • Smart home devices are devices that connect and interact with other devices or networks, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Nest.
  • Hosts are allowed to have smart home devices.
  • Hosts are encouraged, but not required, to disclose their presence in their listing. We also encourage Hosts to give guests the option of unplugging or disabling smart devices.

Informer om overvåkningskamera eller opptaksenhet

  1. Klikk på Annonser og velg den annonsen du vil redigere.
  2. Under Annonseverktøy klikker du på Stedet ditt.
  3. Klikk på Gjesters sikkerhet.
  4. Klikk på Sikkerhetsutstyr og deretter på Eiendommen har overvåkningskameraer eller lydopptaksenheter.
  5. Klikk på Legg til opplysninger og beskriv hver utvendige enhet og hvor den befinner seg (f.eks. "Jeg har et dørklokkekamera som overvåker inngangsdøren og gangen i leilighetsbygningen") samt om enheten er på- eller avslått.
  6. Klikk på Fortsett og deretter Lagre.

Opplys om støymålere

  1. Klikk på Annonser og velg annonsen du vil redigere.
  2. Under Annonseverktøy klikker du på Stedet ditt.
  3. Klikk på Gjesters sikkerhet.
  4. Klikk på Sikkerhetsutstyr og deretter på Eiendommen har overvåkningskameraer eller lydopptaksenheter.
  5. Klikk på Støymålere og deretter på Lagre.
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