Forslag vises etter at du har skrevet inn søkeordene. Bruk opp- og nedpilene for å bla gjennom resultatene. Bruk enter til å velge. Hvis valget er en setning, blir denne setningen sendt til søkeruten. Hvis forslaget er en lenke, navigerer nettleseren til den siden.

Forhåndsvis prisoversikten

When you’re pricing your listing, you can use the nightly price breakdown feature to preview what the guest will pay—and what you’ll earn.

Slik kan du se prisoversikten per natt

Slik kan du se prisoversikten i skrivebordsversjonen

  1. Klikk på Kalender og velg annonsekalenderen du vil gjennomgå.
  2. Velg én natt eller flere netter.
  3. Klikk på Pris per natt.
  4. Klikk på rullegardinmenyen under prisen for å se prisoversikten per natt, inklusive hva du kommer til å tjene.

Service fees

Your price breakdown displays estimated service fees, which are calculated using the base price for one guest and one night. Read more about Airbnb service fees.

Guest service fee

Airbnb’s guest service fee may change with booked trip information. The fee may change due to the booking’s length of stay and when applicable, VAT on Airbnb’s guest service fee. For stays over a month, the guest service fee is reduced, and will be reduced further for stays over 3 months.

Host service fee

If you’re located in a country that charges VAT, the Host service fee may include VAT. Read how VAT applies to you.


Your price breakdown will display any applicable taxes in countries with regulated price display requirements. Taxes are calculated using the base price for one guest and one night.

Taxes for booked trips may change based on trip information guests provide. Your nightly price may change due to taxes, but your earnings won't be impacted. Learn more about how taxes work.

Additional fees

Any additional fees you set—including cleaning, pet, and extra guest fees—won't be included in the nightly price you set or the nightly price breakdown. However, guests will notice an increase in the total price if any additional fees are added.

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